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The Syndicat Français des Ostéopathes - SFDO is a trade association which complies to labour  laws, regulation and obligations. The members are ‘only’ osteopaths, fully graduated, who respect the code of ethics.

SFDO has been officially recognized by the French Government since 2003. As so, it is committed to negotiate with authorities about all issues in connection with matters that concern osteopathy. It is also member of the schools accreditation committee, by the health minister.

SFDO offices are located in Paris, where its staff manages the organization and provide services to members.

1,300 osteopaths are currently members of SFDO.


The SFDO internationally

SFDO has been member of the Forum for Osteopathic Regulation in Europe since its creation in 2006 until its dissolution in 2018. SFDO has decided up to now not to be a member of the European Federation and Forum of Osteopathy. 

SFDO is member of the Osteopathic International Alliance

Dernière mise à jour : 05/03/2022